A Message from our Bishop

Keeping the Faith
A Message from our Bishop
Bishop Kevin Vann would like all Catholics to join him in opposing Senate Bill 24, which would require the on-campus health centers of public universities in California to offer abortion-inducing drugs like RU-486. Let lawmakers know there is no need for these services on campus by submitting your view at: cqrcengage.com/cacatholic/app/write-a-letter?0&engagementId=498430.
Also at this critical moment, Bishop Vann urges all Catholics and all Christians to join together and pray for the protection of infants and young college-age women from the scourge of abortion by saying the following novena:
*Novena to Defeat Senate Bill 24*
Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the Christ Child and Patroness of all unborn children, we implore your intercession for the defeat of Senate Bill 24 and for the protection of all human life. Guide our public officials to see the tragedy and the injustice of abortion and to defend each and every human life through just laws. Inspire us all to bring our faith into public life, to speak for those who have no voice. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is Love and Mercy itself. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be