Parish Campus is Closed
A Message from Our Pastor
Dear Parishioners:
Like you, I am deeply troubled by the incredibly rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating effects on our local Catholic community. We at St. Mary’s by the Sea continue to suspend public Mass in light of the warnings of international health organizations and the CDC in order to take reasonable precautions to halt the coronavirus. Click here for more information on how to stay safe during this crisis.
We need your prayers and patience as we prayerfully and carefully consider all that is in front of us. Thank you for your faithfulness and devotion to St. Mary’s by the Sea and your generous support during this coronavirus crisis. My prayers are with you and may the Lord bless you during this season of Lent and always. It is in this time of crisis that we need to pray for God’s mercy and kindness.
We would like to inform you that St. Mary’s by the Sea has been closed since Friday, March 20, 2020 and will remain closed until further notice in observance of California Order N-33-20. Please know, however, that members of our staff are working remotely from home. If you’d like to speak with one of us, please leave a voicemail on our office line and we will respond to your message as soon as possible, or you can send us an email. Thank you and may God bless you and your families.